Unseen Passage For Class 6 With Questions And Answers PDF
If you are searching for a unseen passage for class 6 in English? if indeed, continue to read this article. In this article, I will give you an article on unseen passage for class 6 with numerous passages to rehearse.
This article contains 5 unseen passage for class 6 with mcq questions and answers specially recommended by CBSE and icse board. In this website we provide notes and lesson plans. Our website try to solve every issue query and problem and provide them almost all type of content which help them.
Students can read PDFs to practice concepts with NCERT solutions and additional mcq questions and answers. We have prepared them keeping in mind the latest CBSE syllabus. Shine among your friends after getting a high score in Quizzes, MCQs and Worksheets. So, lets know about unseen passage for class 6 in english icse and cbse.

Tips to solve class 6 unseen passages in English
- Read the passage in silence.
- Answer point to point questions from the given questions.
- Modify your answers.
- You can go through the questions before reading the passage.
- Be sure to read the complete sentence.
Unseen Passage For Class 6 CBSE – 1
When the cats run home and the light comes, And the dew is cold on the ground, And the distant brook is mute, And the humming candle goes round And the humming candle goes round Alone and warming its five wits The white owl in the steeple sits
When the merry milkmaids click the latch, And it seldom smells like freshly cut hay. And the rooster has crowed under the thatched roof Two or three times his roundedley Two or three times his roundedley Alone and warming his five wits The white owl sits on the steeple.
Now, answer the following questions:
Question 1: The arrival of the morning is heralded by the:
- (a) running stream
- (b) tower clock
- (c) fishermen cry
- (d) cock’s singing
Question 2: The owl prefers:
- (a) hay mowing
- (b) loneliness
- (c) hooting with other owls
- (d) watching of milk maids
Question 3: The poem describes:
- (a) cats
- (b) milkmaids
- (c) cocks
- (d) an owl
Question 4: A word in the poem which means “a roof covering ‘is
- (a) Whirring
- (b) thatch
- (c) hay
- (d) latch
Question 5: Morning activities described in the poem are:
- (a) Milking of cows and cocks crowing
- (b) mowing of grass and running of stream
- (c) running of dogs and running of stream
- (d) hooting of owls and barking of dogs
- Answer: (d) cock’s singing
- Answer: (b) loneliness
- Answer: (d) an owl
- Answer: (b) thatch
- Answer: (a) Milking of cows and cocks crowing
Unseen Passage For Class 6 CBSE – 2
Dried fruits are useful in various diseases of the brain, muscles, and tissues. Almonds have unique properties to eliminate brain weakness and make it stronger. The almond preserves the vitality of the brain, strengthens the muscles, destroys the diseases that originate in nervous and biliary disorders. Walnut is another dried fruit that has wonderful qualities to cure brain weakness. According to Dr. Johnson, almonds, figs, grapes, dates, apples and oranges are rich in phosphorous elements and should normally be consumed by brain workers. Phosphorus nourishes the vital tissues of the body. It keeps your mind full of enthusiasm for more work.
Now, answer the following questions:
Question 1: Dry fruits are useful because they
- (a) Strengthen our heart
- (b) Cure various diseases of the brain, muscles and tissues
- (c) Give confidence to us
- (d) Empower us to do challenging tasks.
Question 2: Which one is not a property of almonds?
- (a) It preserves the vitality of the brain
- (b) It strengthens the muscles
- (c) It destroys diseases originating from nervous and bilious disorders
- (d) It strengthens our digestive system.
Question 3: Phosphoric element is profusely found in
- (a) Almonds, figs, grapes, dates, apples and oranges
- (b) Almonds, figs, papayas, guavas and pineapples
- (c) All the green vegetables
- (d) Seasonal fruits.
Question 4: Brain workers should take fruits rich in phosphoric elements because
- (a) They remove brain weakness
- (b) They nourish the vital tissues of the body
- (c) They keep the mind full of enthusiasm
- (d) All the above.
Question 5: The word “Unique” means the same as
- (a) Ordinary
- (b) Highly qualified
- (c) Unusual
- (d) Distinctive
- Correct Answer: Option (b)
- Correct Answer: Option (d)
- Correct Answer: Option (a)
- Correct Answer: Option (d)
- Correct Answer: Option (d)
Unseen Passage For Class 6 CBSE – 3
My next pet was a pigeon, the most disgusting bird to behold, its feathers peeking through wrinkled scarlet skin, mixed with the hideous yellow fuzz that covers the youngsters and makes them look as if their fur has rusted. Because of his repulsive and obese appearance, we call him Quasimodo. With an unorthodox upbringing, with no parents to teach him, Quasimodo became convinced that he was not a bird and refused to fly. He walked everywhere. He was always willing to accompany us in everything we did.
He would even try to come for a ride with us. Therefore, he had to carry it on his shoulder, which put him at risk of damaging his clothes or letting him walk behind him. If he let him walk, then he had to slow his own pace to match him, because if he got too far ahead, he would hear the more frantic, imploring coos and turn to find Quasimodo running desperately after you.
Now, answer the following questions:
Question 1: The narrator describes the pigeon as a ‘revolting bird’ because
- (a) he could not fly
- (b) he had to be carried everywhere
- (c) he had wrinkled skin covered with yellow feathers
- (d) he was fat
Question 2: Quasimodo got his name because
- (a) he was a fat and ugly
- (b) he was attractive
- (c) he could not fly,
- (d) he love behaving like human beings
Question 3: We know that Quasimodo was always eager to go on walks because
- (a) he walked everywhere
- (b) he did not know how to fly
- (c) he complained loudly if he was not taken along
- (d) he always copied whatever humans did
Question 4: The phrase ‘risking an accident to your clothes’ means
- (a) the bird pecked at their clothes
- (b) there was a chance of the bird soiling their clothes
- (c) the bird risked a fall
- (d) the bird did not like their clothes
Question 5: Quasimodo protested when he was
- (a) left at home
- (b) lifted on human shoulders
- (c) taken for a walk
- (d) left behind during walks
- Answer: (c) he had wrinkled skin covered with yellow feathers
- Answer: (a) he was a fat and ugly
- Answer: (c) he complained loudly if he was not taken along
- Answer: (b) there was a chance of the bird soiling their clothes
- Answer: (d) left behind during walks
Unseen Passage For Class 6 CBSE – 4
At this stage of civilization, when many nations are brought in to close and vital contact for good and evil, it is essential, as never before, that their gross ignorance of one another should be diminished, that they should begin to understand a little of one another’s historical experience and resulting mentality. It is the fault of the English to expect the people of other countries to react as they do, to political and international situations.
Our genuine goodwill and good intentions are often brought to nothing because we expect other people to be like us. This would be corrected if we knew the history, not necessarily in detail but in broad outlines, of the social and political conditions which have given to each nation its present character.
Now, Answer the following Questions:
Question 1: According to the author of Mentality’ of a nation is mainly a product of it’s
- (a) present character
- (b) international position
- (c) politics
- (d) history
Question 2: The character of a nation is the result of its
- (a) gross ignorance
- (b) cultural heritage
- (c) socio-political conditions
- (d) mentality
Question 3: The need for a greater understanding between nations
- (a) is more today than ever before
- (b) was always there
- (c) is no longer there
- (d) will always be there
Question 4: Englishmen like others to react to political situations like.
- (a) others
- (b) us
- (c) themselves
- (d) each others
Question 5: According to the author his countrymen should.
- (a) read the story of other nations
- (b) not react to other actions
- (c) have a better understanding of other nations
- (d) have vital contacts with other nations
- Answer: (d) history
- Answer: (c) socio-political conditions
- Answer: (a) is more today than ever before
- Answer: (c) themselves
- Answer: (c) have a better understanding of other nations
Unseen Passage For Class 6 CBSE – 5
Once there was a miser who sold all his possessions and, with the money, bought a great lump of gold, dug a deep hole at the edge of the garden, and there he buried his gold. Once a day, thereafter, the miser went to the garden, dug up his gold, and embraced it lovingly. One of the miser’s workmen wondered why his master spent so much time in the garden. One day, he hid behind a tree and soon discovered the secret of the hidden treasure. That night, when the miser was fast asleep, the workman crept into the garden and stole the lump of gold. When the miser found that his gold was gone, he tore his hair and cried aloud in his despair. A neighbour came running to see what the matter was, and the grief-stricken miser told him what had happened. Then the neighbours said, “Pray to stop your weeping. Go and find a stone. Place the stone in the hole and imagine that it is your lump of gold. The stone will serve your purpose, for you never meant to use the gold anyway.” “To a miser, what he has is of no more use than what he has not.”
Now, Answer the following Questions:
Question 1: How did the miser get the lump of gold?
- a. By selling all he had
- b. While digging the garden?
- c. From his ancestors
- d. From his neighbour
Question 2: Why did miser spend so much time in the garden?
- a. He was a nature lover.
- b. He liked watching children playing in the garden.
- c. To keep an eye on his hidden treasure.
- d. To change the place of his lump of gold.
Question 3: By whom was the gold stolen?
- a. A thief
- b. His neighbour
- c. The miser’s workman
- d. The miser himself
Question 4: The neighbour advised the miser to put a stone in the hole because __.
- a. Gold is like a stone only.
- b. The miser would never use the gold, hence no difference between the two.
- c. The stone will become gold after some time.
- d. For a wise man, gold and stone have equal worth.
Question 5: Choose the most appropriate title for this story.
- a. Gold and Stone
- b. The Miser and His Gold
- c. The Miser and His Neighbour
- d. The Miser and His workman
- Correct Answer: Option (a)
- Correct Answer: Option (c)
- Correct Answer: Option (c)
- Correct Answer: Option (b)
- Correct Answer: Option (b)
Unseen Passage For Class 6 With Questions And Answers PDF
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Final Words
Now, I think you all know about Our 5 best Unseen Passage For Class 6 with MCQ questions and answers. By practicing these unseen passages you can get good marks in your class 6 CBSC exam. If you have any questions regarding this then comment below.
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