
Unseen Passage for Class 4 English Questions And Answers

If you are searching for an unseen passage for class 4 English? if indeed, continue to read this article. In this article, I will give you an article on unseen passage for class 4 with numerous passages to rehearse.


This article contains 5 unseen passages with questions and answers specially recommended by CBSE. We also provide notes and lesson plans. Our study rankings have been specially designed to better understand them.

Unseen Passage for Class 4 Questions And Answers PDF

Unseen Passage For Class 4 – Passage 1

Animals eat plants and other animals. On the basis of food habits, animals can be divided into four categories. Plant-eating animals are called herbivores.

Cows, Sheep, and giraffes are some herbivorous animals. Carnivores are those animals that eat the flesh of other animals. Animals like lions, tigers etc. Carnivores are animals. Some birds eat flash which are called scavengers. Eagles and vultures are scavengers.

Animals that eat plants and the flesh of other animals are called omnivores. Bears, crows, cockroaches are omnivores. Parasites are small insects or animals. Fleas, leeches and insects are some of the parasites.

Questions And Answers (Passage 1):

Answer the following questions:-

  1. What are herbivores?
  2. Name some carnivore animals.
  3. What are parasites?
  4. What are carnivores?
  5. Name some omnivores.

Unseen Passage For Class 4 English – Passage 2

There are millions of big fish in the ocean, but this story is about just one of them, and a very small fish at that. Now, this little fish had everything in the sea that he could fight, but he was not happy. You’ll laugh when I tell you why it wasn’t. He was sad because he was so young.

Questions And Answers (Passage 2):

Question 1) How many fish was there in the sea?

  • (A) Thousand fish
  • (B) Billion fish
  • (C) Million fish
  • (D) Lac fish

Question 2) Where did the fish live?

  • (A) In the pond
  • (B) In the sea
  • (C) In the river
  • (D) In the tub

Question 3) Who was unhappy?

  • (A) Fish
  • (B) Mouse
  • (C) Cat
  • (D) Lizard

Question 4) This story is about just………

  • (A) Two of them
  • (B) One of them
  • (C) Three of them
  • (D) Many of them

Question 5) What did the little fish have in the sea?

  • (A) Something
  • (B) Nothing
  • (C) Everything
  • (D) Anything
  • Answer 1: Option (C) Million fish
  • Answer 2: Option (B) In the sea
  • Answer 3: Option (A) Fish
  • Answer 4: Option (B) One of them
  • Answer 5: Option (C) Everything

Unseen Passage For Class 4 unsolved – Passage 3

The natural life span of a domesticated horse is about 25-30 years, which is 10 years less than it was in the wild. You can tell the age of a horse by the number of teeth it has. They get all their teeth by the age of 5, after which those teeth just get longer.

The all-round vision of horses is close to 360 degrees. The only place they can’t see is directly behind or right in front of them, so standing behind a horse is dangerous. If they sense something behind them, they can kick first and ask questions later.

This also means that once they are about four feet away from it they cannot see a jump, and have to rely on memory for its height and size. The horse’s two eyes work independently where the horse’s ear points is the direction the horse is looking. A horse is able to sleep standing up because it is able to close its leg muscles so that it cannot fall asleep.

Questions And Answers (Passage 3):

Question 1) What is the lifespan of a wild horse?

a) 25-30 years
b) 30-35 years
c) 35-40 years
d) 40-45 years

Question 2) Which body part in a horse helps us to tell its age?

a) ears
b) tail
c) teeth
d) eyes

Question 3) Write the words from the passage which mean the same as:
a) on your own b) unsafe

Question 4) Why is it dangerous to stand behind a horse?
Question 5) How can we know in which direction is the horse looking?
Question 6) What helps the horse to sleep while standing?

  • Answer 1) c) 35-40 years
  • Answer 2) c) teeth
  • Answer 3) Write the words from the passage which mean the same as:
    • a) on your own- independently
    • b) unsafe- dangerous
  • Answer 4) Ans. It is dangerous to stand behind the horse because it cannot see is directly behind or right in front of them
  • Answer 5) Ans. Wherever a horse’s ear points it is the direction where the horse is looking
  • Answer 6) Ans. A horse is able to sleep standing up as he is able to lock his leg muscles so that he doesn’t fall asleep.

Unseen Passage For Class 4 – Passage 4

Vitamins and minerals are natural substances found in a wide range of foods and are essential for maintaining a healthy body. Vitamin A keeps the eyes and skin healthy and helps protect against infection.

Vitamin A is found in milk, eggs and vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, spinach and broccoli. Vitamin B is good for the nervous system and is found in green vegetables. Vitamin C helps the immune system by fighting infection. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits like

Strawberry, Kiwi, Guava, Chili and Tomato. Vitamin K helps in the clotting of blood. Beans, peas, and turnips contain vitamin K. Calcium is essential for healthy teeth, bones, hair and nails. Potassium regulates muscles and nerves and prevents high blood pressure.

All vegetables contain potassium. Iron is essential for red blood cells. Iron is found in vegetables like spinach, leeks and mushrooms. Vitamin C also helps in the absorption of iron in the body. We should avoid the loss of vitamins by applying the peel. Vegetables should not be soaked in water as it leads to a deficiency of Vitamin B and C.

Questions And Answers (Passage 4):

  • Question a) What are vitamins and minerals?
  • Question b) What are the sources of Vitamin A?
  • Question c) Vitamin K helps the blood to
  • Question d) Vitamin C is found in —–fruits.
  • Question e) We should not soak the vegetables, Why?

The answer to the above question-

Answer a) What are vitamins and minerals?
Ans. Vitamins and minerals are natural substances found in a wide range of foods and are essential to maintain a healthy body.

Answer b) What are the sources of Vitamin A?
Ans.Vitamin A is found in milk, eggs and vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, spinach and

Answer c) Vitamin K helps the blood to clot.
a) flow
b) increase
c) clot
d) gain red color

Answer d) Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits.
a) citrus
b) red
c) sweet
d) none

Answer e) We should not soak the vegetables, Why?
Ans. Vegetables should not be soaked in water as it leads to loss of vitamins B and C.
e) Find the words from the above passage which means the same as
i) take care of = protect ii) necessary =essential

Unseen Passage For Class 4 – Passage 5

Bears are found in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. They are massively built, with short tails and thick legs. Bears are not actually carnivores. They eat almost anything, the main exception being

The polar bear, which in its natural state lives on fish and seals. However, in captivity, they seem To enjoy meat, vegetables, fruits, milk, rice and oatmeal.

Bears are not as dangerous as most people think they are; they will do, He tries his best to avoid humans. They have a special sense of sight which is the sight of seeing things.

Questions And Answers (Passage 5):

Question 1) Where are bears found?

A. America
B. Australia
C. Arctica
D. None of the above

Question 2) What does a bear eat in captivity?

A. Meat
B. Chapati
C. Seal
D. Trees

Question 3) What does a bear avoid like most animals?

A. Hunters
B. Human beings
C. Fish
D. None of the above

Question 4) What kind of body do the bears have?

A. Massively built
B. Weak
C. fat
D. None

Question 5) What is the strongest sense of a bear?

A. Touch
B. Sight
C. Smell
D. Hearing

Unseen Passage for Class 4
Unseen Passage for Class 4

Unseen Passage For Class 4 With Questions And Answers PDF

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Unseen Passage for Class 4 english

Tips to solve Unseen Passages For Class 4 In English

  • After reading the question, underline the related words of the given passage so that you get the correct answer
  • Read the entire passage carefully 2 or 3 times so that you can understand the topic of the passage.
  • Don’t make grammatical mistakes while writing the answer. Be careful with the use of punctuation marks
  • Remember that you should use your own words in your answer. Do not copy the sentence from the given passage
  • Write your answer simply, easily and in your own words.


Q:) Why is it dangerous to stand behind a horse?

Ans: It is dangerous to stand behind the horse because it cannot see is directly behind or right in front of them

Q:) What are the sources of Vitamin A?

Ans: Vitamin A is found in milk, eggs, and vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, spinach and

Q:) What helps the horse to sleep while standing?

Ans: A horse is able to sleep standing up as he is able to lock his leg muscles so that he doesn’t fall asleep.

Q:) What are vitamins and minerals?

Ans: Vitamins and minerals are natural substances found in a wide range of food and are essential to maintain a healthy body.


Now, I think you all know about Our 5 best Unseen Passage For Class 4 English. By practicing these unseen passages you can get good marks in your class 4 CBSC exam. If you have any questions regarding this then comment below.

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