Kailash Chandra Shorthand PDF Book Free Download
Hello Friends, I Think all English shorthand students know about Kailash Chandra for his English shorthand dictation magazine book. Sir Kailash Chandra’s shorthand transcription book is the best book to improve your shorthand speed and also best for dictation which always SSC use one of the dictation in his SSC Stenographer C & D grade skill test.
So, you all must download this book by the given link and improve your skill ability. This file is available in PDF format so you all need to install Adobe Reader on your phone or PC. This is the best Kailash Chandra shorthand magazine ever for shorthand.
Kailash Chandra Shorthand Book PDF Free Download
यह Sir Kailash Chandra magazine pdf की English Shorthand PDF Book जो की आपको आपकी English Shorthand Speed Increase करने मे काफी मदद करेगी। इनको आप नीचे दिये गये लिंक से Download सकते है।
Downloading Link ALL Kailash Chandra magazine pdf Book Volume 1 to 24 Wise
- NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter 2
- Hindi Poem For Class 1
- DI Table Chart Questions

Also See
Note– यह PDF मेरी खुद की नहीं है, यह Sir Kailash Chandra magazine द्वारा लिखित किताब है। जिसका प्रयोग आप अपनी SSC Steno तथा अन्य किसी भी English Stenographer Skill Test के लिए कर सकते है।
तो आपको यह Kailash Chandra Shorthand Magazine PDF Download पोस्ट की जानकारी कैसी लगी नीचे कमेंट करके जरूर बताएं बाकी मैने इसी वेबसाइट पर 100 wpm english dictation डालना शुरु कर दिया है।
Please provide me court magazine. My email ID is ak124992@gmail.com.
I will provide you soon
Sir, please share me court magazine to chsrinu65@gmail.com.
Please provide me all magazines of progressive 2021
When I Get Them I provide You Soon Sir.
Thanks For Coming.
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Sir provide me all pdf Kailash Chandra magazine 2013dilipsolanki@gmail.com
Yaha sare diye hai charo me sari volumes hai
Hello sir , Also I need PDF File
Thanks in Advance!!!!!!!
Volume 8 Kaha se mile ga
Isi ke andar hai bhai
Sir, I want to subscribe the shorthand magazine. Please suggest me.
kr lijiye, best rahega aur achi practice ke liye.
Thanks for sharing this excellent article
Well I sincerely liked studying it. This tip offered by you is very helpful for good planning.
Thanks Raju, in advance..little worried where to get kailash chandra sir book, in Amazon n some other stall I searched..but lastly thanks to you..thanks a lot buddy
Keep Visit Again Brother
Sir mera Haryana & Punjab High court steno ka exam hai uske liye yeh magazine sufficient rhegi kya ? Or progressive ki kitni magazines hai total ?
Please provide me court magazine. My email ID is simranpanchal555@gmail.com
Sound is good,
Also I need PDF File thanks for sharing!!!!!
ya sure brother, Keep Work Brother and grow.
I also need pdf brother
very good job done. also need dictations of Kailash Chandra.
I really like this blog post. It is very informative.
dear sir 1 to 24 volume english recorded ho to send me please 80 to 100 speed both
recorded nhi hai but jld hi kuch dalte hai content