
Top 5+ Moral Stories In English For Class 5

I write moral stories in English for class 5 article. The students who are looking for some best moral stories for class 5 with images may read this article. So, this short stories in english for class 5 in english article helps you a lot. Now scroll down and read the article now.


The newest and unique stories in the world of internet till date have been written here. We have also given the contents below regarding Class 5 Moral english Stories, so that you can understand our content material properly.

Moral Stories In English For Class 5

Moral Stories In English For Class 5

The Fox And The Stork

Once upon a time there was a Fox and a stork. The fox was selfish but he decided to invite the storks for dinner. The Stork was very happy to be invited and she reached her house on time.

The fox opened the door and invited her inside. They sat on the table; The fox served him some soup in shallow bowls. While the fox licked up her soup, the Stork couldn’t drink it because she has a long beak and the bowl was too shallow.

The Fox And The Stork story in english

The next day the Stork invited the fox over for dinner. She served him the soup as well but in two narrow vases. While the stork enjoyed her soup and finished it, the fox went home very hungry realizing his mistake.

Moral of the Story – Don’t be selfish because it will come back to you at some point

When Adversity Knocks

Asha was frustrated and tired of life so she asked her father what to do. His father asked him to bring an egg, two tea leaves and a potato. Then he took out three vessels, filled them with water and placed them on the stove.

When the water started boiling, he told Asha to put everything in all the pots and watch them. After 10 minutes, she asked Asha to peel the eggs, peel the potatoes and sift the leaves. Asha got confused.

His father explained, “Each object was placed in the same condition, in boiling water. See how each responded differently?

He added, “The egg was soft, but is hard now. The potatoes were hard before, but are soft now. And the tea leaves, changed the water.”

The father asked again, “When calamity calls, we respond the same way they have. Now, are you the egg, the potato or the tea leaf?”

Moral Of The Story – We can choose how to respond to difficult situations.

The Pig and the Sheep

A pig found its way into a meadow where a herd of sheep was grazing. The shepherd caught the pig and carried it off towards the butcher’s shop when it started crying loudly and struggled to get free.

The Pig and the Sheep story in english

The sheep said to the pig, “The shepherd catches us regularly and drags us off like that, and we don’t make any noise.” The pig answered, “My case and yours are altogether different; he catches and takes you to shave off the wool, but he wants me to be killed for making the bacon.”

Moral Of The Story – Do not compare two situations without understanding them.

The Bear and Two Friends

One day, two best friends were walking a lonely and dangerous path through a jungle. As the sun started to go down, they started to get scared but kept holding on to each other. Suddenly he saw a bear on the way. One of the boys went to a nearby tree and in one fell swoop climbed it.

The other boy did not know how to climb a tree by himself, so he lay down on the ground, pretending to be dead. The bear knelt down on the ground near the boy and sniffed around his head.

After appearing to whisper something in the boy’s ear, the bear went on his way. The boy sitting on the tree got down and asked his friend what the bear had said in his ear. She replied, “Don’t trust friends who don’t care about you.”

Moral of the story – A true friend is a friend who is useful in trouble.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A farmer asked his son to take his herd of sheep grazing daily.
While the boy was watching over the sheep, he got bored and decided to have some fun.

So, he shouted, “Wolf! Wolf!”. On hearing this the villagers ran to help him chase the Wolf away.

As they reached him, they realized that there was no Wolf and that he was just kidding. The villagers were furious and shouted at the boy for creating chaos and panic.

On the next day the boy shouted “Wolf!” Again and once again the villagers came to help him and saw that there was no wolf. This made them very angry again.

On the same day, the boy sees an actual Wolf that is terrorizing the sheep. The boy cried out, “Wolf! Wolf! please help me” and no villagers showed up as they believed the boy was joking again.

Moral of the Story – Don’t play with people’s trust, when it matters the most, they won’t believe you.

The Golden Egg

Once upon a time, a farmer had a goose that laid a golden egg each day. The farmer used to sell that egg and earn enough money to meet their family’s day-to-day needs. One day, the farmer thought that if he could get more such golden eggs and would make a lot of money and become a wealthy person.

The farmer decided to cut the goose and remove all the golden eggs from his stomach. As soon as they killed the bird and opened the stomach of the goose, they found no eggs. The foolish farmer realized that he had destroyed his last resource out of greed.

Moral Of The Story – Greed destroys your resource.

When Adversity Knocks

Asha was getting frustrated and tired of life, so she asked her father what to do. His father asked him to bring an egg, two tea leaves and a potato. Then he took out three utensils and filled them with water and put them on the stove.

When the water came to a boil, he asked Asha to keep an eye on them by keeping things in each vessel. After 10 minutes he asked Asha to peel the egg, peel the potato and filter the leaves. Hope was confused.

Her father explained, “Each object was placed under the same conditions, in boiling water. See how each reacted differently?”

He added, “The egg was soft, but now it’s hard. The potato was hard, but now it’s soft. And the tea leaves, they changed the water.”

The father asked again, “When calamity strikes, we respond in the same way as they have. Now, are you an egg, a potato, or a tea leaf?”

Moral – We can choose how to respond in difficult situations.

Moral Stories in English for Class 5 PDF Download

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Final Words

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