Unseen Poem For Class 7 In English
I know that you all want to know about Unseen Poem For Class 7 In English With Questions And Answers. Because you must have got to work on English poetry in school and you must be searching many places how to find whom, then I have made this post for you.
Every student of class 7 must prepare for English poetry, because if your marks come less in English then you should read it very carefully and concentrated. To get more marks in English and this will make your English better in future.
In which I have made it with unseen poem for class 7 with questions and answers, so that you can read it and find out the answer and if you do not get the answer, then I have done the work of answering all in the last. So that you will understand things better and the poem will also be remembered.

Tips To Solve The Unseen Poem For Class 7
Almost every one of you will be a student of CBSE or ICSE board, or UP Board, whoever it is, it will be very easy and helpful for all of you to remember. So let’s know about unseen poems with questions and answers for class 7.
- Read the entire poem 1 or 2 times carefully so that you understand the theme of the poem.
- Write your answer simple, easy and in your own words.
- Do not make grammatical mistakes while writing the answer.
- After reading the question, underline the related words of the given poem so that you get the correct answer.
- Remember that you should use your own words in your answer.
Unseen Poem For Class 7 In English – Sample 1
I lay in sorrow deep distressed;
My grief a proud man heard,
His looks were cold, he gave me gold,
But not a kindly word.
My sorrow passed I paid him back The gold he gave to me,
Then stood erect and spoke my thanks And blessed his charity.
I lay in want and grief, and pain A poor man passed my way He bound my head,
he gave me bread;
He watched me night and day;
How shall I pay him back again For all he did to me?
Oh, gold is great, but greater far Is heavenly sympathy.
—Charles Mackay
Poem Comprehension For Grade 7 With Questions And Answers (Poem 1)
- Question i) One day the poet was in
- (a) trouble
- (b) need of money
- (c) need of a friend
- (d) depression.
- Question ii) The proud rich man offered the poet
- (a) sympathy
- (b) money
- (c) bread
- (d) tea
- Question iii) The poet was in a fix because
- (a) he didn’t know how to pay back to the rich proud man
- (b) he didn’t know the poor man who served him so much
- (c) he wanted to give money to the poor man but he had no money
- (d) he didn’t know how to pay back to the poor main’s service to him.
- Question iv) The poet realised in the last that
- (a) the poor man was better than the rich man
- (b) sympathy was more valuable than gold
- (c) the rich main was better than the poor man
- (d) money was the most important thing in the world.
- Question v) The word that means opposite to sorrow is
- (a) carelessness
- (b) ability
- (c) joy
- (d) beauty.
Answers Of Above Question
- Answer i ) a
- Answer ii) b
- Answer iii) d
- Answer iv) b
- Answer v) c
Unseen Poem For Class 7 CBSE – Sample 2
I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to Earth, I knew not where ;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where ;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song?
Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroken ;
And the song, from the beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.
Unseen Poem With Questions And Answers Class 7 (Poem 2)
Question 1) In what position did the poet find the arrow after a long time?
Question 2) Explain the meaning of the last line of the last stanza?
Question 3) What did the poet shoot?
Question 4) What does the phrase ‘breathed a song’ in the second stanza mean?
Question 5) Why is it difficult to see the flight of the song?
Answers Of Above Questions
- Answer 1: The poet found the arrow “in an oak” after a long time.
- Answer 2: The last line means the poet rediscovered the song within a friend’s heart.
- Answer 3: The poet shot an arrow into the air.
- Answer 4: “Breathed a song” means the poet expressed or sang a song.
- Answer 5: It’s difficult to see the flight of the song because it is intangible and cannot be visually traced like a physical object.
Unseen Poem For Class 7 – Sample 3
Fame is a food that dead men eat,
I have no stomach for such meat.
In little light and narrow room,
They eat in the silent tomb.
With no kind voice of comrade near To bid the feaster be of cheer.
But friendship is a noble thing,
Of friendship it is good to sing. •
For truly when a man shall end,
He lives in memory of his friend,
Who doth his better part recall,
And of his fault make funeral.
—Henry Austin Dobson
Unseen Poem With Questions And Answers Class 7 (Poem 3)
- Question 1: By the expression ‘Fame is a food that dead men eat’ we mean
- (a) fame is enjoyed only after death
- (b) fame is enjoyed during life-time
- (c) fame is something like a food
- (d) fame dies with one’s death.
- Question 2: Friendship is a noble thing because
- (a) a man cannot live without friends
- (b) real friends are very helpful
- (c) a man always remembers the good qualities of his friend after his death
- (d) it enhances dignity of mankind.
- Question 3: In the last line of the above poem the poet wants to convey that
- (a) one should believe in friendship
- (b) the faults of a man are highlighted by his friend after his death
- (c) the faults of a man are forgotten by his friend after his death
- (d) one should not run after fame and friendship.
- Question 4: The word recall means
- (a) forget
- (b) come close
- (c) help
- (d) remember.
- Question 5: Friendship is better than fame because in friendship
- (a) when a man dies he lives in the memory of his friend
- (b) a man always regards his friend
- (c) enmity never comes
- (d) a man is always happy in the company of his friend.
Answers Of Above Question
- Answer 1) —a
- Answer 2) —c
- Answer 3) —c
- Answer 4) —d
- Answer 5) —a
Unseen Poem For Class 7 MCQ – Sample 4
I saw you hide your hands in line
behind that lady fair,
I noticed too, hers soft and white‐
Immaculate from care.
But Ma, I say, it’s no disgrace
to have workin’ hands like you,
and had she lived the life you have,
she’d have hands just like it too.
But her hands have never hauled in wood,
or worked in God’s good earth.
They’ve probably never patched blue jeans,
or had worn ol’ socks to darn.
They’ve never scrubbed a kitchen floor,
Or done dishes everyday.
They’ve never guided with those hands
a child who’s lost the way.
So you see, my dearest Mamayours
are hands of love.
And I bet the Lord will notice
when he greets you from above.
Unseen Poem With Questions And Answers Class 7 (Poem 4)
- Question: 1) Mother had worked hard to mend……
- a. shawl and socks.
- b. socks and jeans.
- c. gloves and caps.
- d. jeans and caps.
- Question: 2) The poet’s mother wants to hide her hands from the…………………..
- a. child.
- b. fair lady.
- c. people in the queue.
- d. poet’s father.
- Question: 3) The poet finds his mother’s hands…….
- a. disgraceful.
- b. shameful.
- c. dreadful.
- d. honorable.
- Question: 4) The word in the poem that means the same as ‘flawless’ is…………..
- a. darn.
- b. care.
- c. immaculate.
- d. soft.
- Question: 5) The fair lady’s hands were……………
- a. rough and coarse.
- b. soft and dark.
- c. soft and white.
- d. ugly.
- Question: 6) Mother’s hands were such as she had……….
- a. scrubbed a kitchen floor.
- b. toiled so hard for her children.
- c. hauled in wood.
- d. all of the above.
Answers Of Given Questions
- Answer 1: b. socks and jeans.
- Answer 2: b. fair lady.
- Answer 3: d. honorable.
- Answer 4: c. immaculate.
- Answer 5: c. soft and white.
- Answer 6: d. all of the above.
Unseen Poem For Class 7 With Questions – Sample 5
The lotus in its beauty and brilliance smiles
And dares the sun
To whom it compares its shape and shine.
“Thou hast not my tenderness,
Thou hast not my fragrance,” it says.
The sun just glares
And utters not a word.
Either of censure or of praise !
The poor black mud
Nourishing the roots
With soft cool protective touch
Keeps silent too.
It is beyond compare
To either the lotus or the sun
Nor recognition does it crave !
Let the world rave and revile
At the vile stench of mud;
The mud knows the Dark Reality
It just wants to Be !
It just wants to Be !
Unseen Poem With Questions And Answers Class 7 (Poem 5)
- Question 1) The lotus surpasses the sun in_____
- (i)beauty
- (ii)brilliance
- (iii)glory
- (iv)both (i)and(ii)
Question 2) “Thou hast not my tenderness”. Who says these words?
Question 3) „Nor recognition does it crave !‟ means the mud is:_
Question 4) What does the mud do____?
- Question 5) Give the synonym of the following words from the passage-
- (i) frown
- (ii) condemn
- Question 6) The mud is significant because it stands for __
- (i) reality
- (ii) harshness
- (iii) ugliness
- (iv) contrast
Answers Of Given Questions
- Answer 1: (iv) both (i) beauty and (ii) brilliance.
- Answer 2: The lotus says these words.
- Answer 3: The mud is indifferent to seeking recognition or acknowledgment.
- Answer 4: The mud nourishes the roots of the lotus with a soft, cool, protective touch.
- Answer 5: (i) frown: glare, (ii) condemn: revile
- Answer 6: (i) reality
Unseen Poem For Class 7 With Questions – Sample 6
A Sunday is so typical
When Dad is around
The morning starts
With a loud TV sound.
One groan from my sister
And another from me
Doesn’t melt his heart
To let us sleep for a minute or three.
Mom tries to catch up
On her wee bit of sleep
For she knows Dad is there
To make a cup of tea.
But once we all are up
It all seems so bright
For that’s the only day
When Dad has all the time.
Unseen Poem With Questions And Answers Class 7 (Poem 6)
- Question 1) Why is Sunday so typical?
- Question 2) How does their morning start?
- Question 3) The rhyme scheme of the first stanza is:
- a) aabb
- b) abcd
- c) abcb
- Question 4) The word from the poem which means the same as ‘very small’ is:
- a) soothe
- b) wee
- c) calm
- Question 5) The word from the poem which is the opposite of ‘dull’ is:
- a) bright
- b) groan
- c) fashioned
- Question 6) Give a suitable title to the poem.
- Question 7) What makes the poet and her sister groan?
- Question 8) Since Dad is at home every Sunday, what does Mom try to do?
- Question 9) Why does everything seem so bright when they all are up?
- Question 10) The literary device used in ‘One groan from my sister’ is:
- a) Onomatopoeia
- b) Personification
- c) Metaphor
Answers Of Given Question
- Answer 1) A Sunday is so typical because dad is around at home.
- Answer 2) Their morning starts with a loud TV sound.
- Answer 3) abcb
- Answer 4) wee
- Answer 5) bright
- Answer 6) Student’s response
- Answer 7) The poet and her sister groan because dad’s heart doesn’t melt to let them sleep for a minuteor three.
- Answer 8) Since Dad is at home every Sunday, Mom tries to catch up on her wee bit of sleep.
- Answer 9) It all seems so bright because that’s the only day when Dad has all the time for them.
- Answer 10) Onomatopoeia
Unseen Passage For Class 7 With Questions And Answers Images

Unseen Poem For Class 7 Questions And Answers PDF
So if you want to read unseen poem for class 7 in english pdf and read it later or you want unseen poem for class 7 worksheet for cbse board then you can download it by clicking on the link given below.
Unseen Poem for class 7(FAQ)
Q: 1) What is the difference between seen and unseen poetry for class 7?
A scene poem is a poem that you have already read and know what is in it. Whereas in unseen poetry, you are not familiar with the poem and do not know what is in it.
Q: 2) How do we get high marks in class 7 unseen poetry?
Before reading the poem, study the question. After that, read the poem and highlight the word that relates to the question to you and a line before that word and a line after it. With this strategy, you will be able to solve most of the question and score high in your exam.
Final Words
Now, I think you all know about best Unseen Poem For Class 7 English. By practicing these unseen poems you can get good marks in your class 7 CBSC or icse exam. If you have any questions regarding these poems then comment below and I will help you as soon as possible.
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