
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Environment

Hi Students, I make this post for all of you, here you get NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Environment with questions and answers PDF. I write this post which may help you to increase your knowledge in your subject and also gain marks in your upcoming exam.


Environment Class 7 Questions and Answers are giving you the answers to complex questions in a very easy way through this post, you can use it for the preparation of your board exams and all these subjects are given by the experts of Social Science Reading NCERT Solutions for Geography Chapter 1 Environment makes you familiar with the questions that will come in NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 the examinations. Students are advised to go through these solutions regularly to score well.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Environment

Environment Class 7 Questions and Answers Geography Chapter 1

Use the Class 7 SST Geography Chapter 1 NCERT Solutions and get to know different concepts involved Make your learning experience enjoyable by preparing Read this post completely and try to solve it yourself and then see the answer. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 On The Trial of the Earliest People is here to cover all the latest syllabus in all this. Going by the NCERT Class 7 Geography Chapter 1 Questions and Answers it will be very easy for all students to appear for the exam with a lot of confidence. If you are students are wanna add unique last name after your main name that’s make more better your CV.

Class 7 Geography Chapter 1 NCERT Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1. What is an ecosystem?

  1. What do you mean by the natural environment?
  2. Which are the major components of the environment?
  3. Give four examples of human made environment.
  4. What is lithosphere?
  5. Which are the two major components of the biotic environment?
  6. What is the biosphere?

Answer: It is a system formed by the interactions of all living organisms with each other and with the physical and chemical factors of the environment in which they live, all linked by the transfer of energy material.

  1. The land, water, air, plants and animals comprise the natural environment. Natural environment refers to both biotic and abiotic conditions existing on the earth.
  2. The major components of the environment are:
  3. Natural (living things, land, air and water)
  4. Human-made (buildings, parks, bridges, roads, monuments, industries)
  5. Human (individual, family, community, religion, educational, economic and political situation)
  6. Four examples of human-made environments are roads, buildings, parks and bridges.
  7. Lithosphere is the solid crust or the hard upper layer of the earth. It is made up of rocks and minerals and covered by a thin layer of soil.
  8. Plants and animals are the two major components of the biotic environment.
  9. Plant or animal kingdom together make up the biosphere or the living world. It is a narrow zone of the earth where land, water and air interact with each other to support life.

Tick the correct answer.

Question 2. (i) Which is not a natural ecosystem?

(a) Desert
(b) Aquarians
(c) Forests

Answer: (b) Aquarium

Question 2. (ii) Which is not a component of human environment?

(a) Land
(b) Religious
(c) Community

Answer: (a) Land

Question 2. (iii) Which is a human-made environment?

(a) Mountain
(b) Seas
(c) Road

Answer: (c) Road

Question 2. (iv) Which is a threat to the environment?

(a) Growing plant
(b) Growing population
(c) Growing crops

Answer: (b) Growing population

Match the following:

Column IColumn II
1. Biosphere(a) blanket of air which surrounds the earth
2. Atmosphere(b) domain of water
3. Hydrosphere(c) growing crops
4. Environment(d) narrow zone where land water and air interact.


  1. (d)
  2. (a)
  3. (b)
  4. (c)

Question 4. Give the reasons.

(i) Man modifies his environment
(ii) Plants and animals depend upon each other


(i) Man modifies his environment as per his/ her continence and fulfills his needs. All the natural things such as air, water, minerals etc., are being used by the man not only for fulfilling his needs but also for the wealth. These activities create imbalance in environment. These activities are very harmful for the living beings. A balance is required between nature and man. The use of environment should be done harmoniously.

(ii) Plants and animals depend upon each other for their existence. Plants take the oxygen released by the plants through its photosynthesis process and animals eat plants for their nutrition. Plants get manure and carbon dioxide from animals. The relation between plants and animals form ecosystem.

Question 5. Activity : Imagine an ideal environment where you would love to live. Draw the picture of your ideal environment.

Answer: Students discuss with the teacher and can write the answer.

Question 6. Look at your surroundings. Make a list of uses that the land in your neighborhood is being put to.

Answer: Students discuss with the teacher and write the answer.

Question 7. Where does the water you use at home and school come from? Make a list of different uses of water in our daily life. Have you seen anyone wasting water? How?

Answer: Students discuss with the teacher and can write the answer.

Question 8. Observe the sky while coming to the school. Make a note whether the day is cloudy, rainy, sunny, foggy etc.

Answer: Students discuss with the teacher and can write the answer.

Question 9. Sketch or bring photos of your place like the students in the story.

Answer: Students discuss with the teacher and can write the answer.

Question 10. Talk to some elderly person in your neighborhood and gather information about-

  • The trees in his / her neighborhood when he / she was your age.
  • The indoor games he/she played.
  • His/her favorite fruit at your age.
  • How did they make themselves comfortable during the hot summers and cold winters?
  • Display your answers on a wall/bulletin board.

Answer: Students discuss with the teacher and can write the answer.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Environment PDF

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