
NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 Water

Hi Students, I make this post for all of you, here you get NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 Water with questions and answers PDF. I write this post which may help you to increase your knowledge in your subject and also gain marks in your upcoming exam.


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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 Water

Water Class 7 Questions and Answers Geography Chapter 5

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 Water provides students with a comprehensive understanding of water and its various forms. The chapter covers topics such as the importance of water, the water cycle, the distribution of water on the earth, sources of water, and water conservation.

By studying NCERT solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 Water, students can gain a deeper appreciation for the significance of water in our lives, and learn ways to conserve this vital resource. These solutions are an invaluable tool for students preparing for exams, as they provide a thorough understanding of the chapter’s content and enable students to answer questions with confidence.

Overall, NCERT solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 – Water are an excellent resource for students who wish to develop a comprehensive understanding of this important subject.

Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 Short Question Answer

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.

(1) What are the ocean currents?
(2) What is precipitation?
(3) What are the factors influencing the height of the waves?
(4) Which factors influence the movement of ocean water?
(5) What is water cycle?
(6) What are tides and how they are caused


(1) Streams of water flowing continuously on the ocean surface in definite directions are known as ocean currents.
(2) Falling of moisture in the form of precipitation, snow, fog, sleet and hailstone is termed as precipitation.
(3) Earthquake, a volcanic eruption, underwater landslides or winds are factors affecting the height of the waves.
(4) The gravitational pull of the sun, the earth and the moon, warm and cold currents, temperatures and winds are the factors that affect the movement of ocean water.
(5) The process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between the oceans, atmosphere and land is known as water cycle.
(6) The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice a day is called a tide. The strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth’s surface causes the tides.

Question 2. Give reasons.

(i) The ocean water is salty.
(ii) The water quality is deteriorating.


(i) Ocean water is salty because it contains large quantity of dissolved salts.
(ii) The quality of water is deteriorating due to pollution.

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 MCQ

Tick the correct answer

Question 1: Generally, the warm ocean currents originate near:

(a) Poles
(b) Equator
(c) None of these

Answer: (b) Equator

Question 2: The process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between the oceans, atmosphere and land:

(a) Water cycle
(b) Tides
(c) Ocean currents

Answer: (a) Tide

Question 3: The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice a day is called:

(a) Tide
(b) Ocean currents
(c) Wave

Answer: (a) Water cycle

Question 4: Match the following

Column I Column II
1. Caspian Sea(a) Largest Lake
2. Tide(b)  Perodic rise and fall of water
3. Tsunami(c) Strong seismic waves
4. Ocean currents(d) Streams of water moving in definite paths.


  1. (a)
  2. (b)
  3. (c)
  4. (d)
  • Question 5. For fun.
    • Be a Detective

(i)The name of a river is hidden in each of the sentences below. Spot it. Example: Mandira, Vijayalaxmi and Surinder are my best friends.

Answer: Ravi

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 Short Questions

(1) Samantha mesmerized everybody with her magic tricks. (Hint: London is situated on its estuary)
(2) “In this neighbourhood, please don’t yell! Owners of these houses like to have peace”. Warned my father when we moved into our new flat”. (Hint: colour!)
(3) “Write the following words, Marc!” “On”, “go”, “in” said the teacher to the little boy in KG Class. (Hint: Rhymes with “bongo’) Now make some more on your own and ask your classmates to spot the hidden name. You can do this with any name: that of a lake, mountains, trees, fruits, school items etc.
(4) The snake charmer’s bustee, stables where horses are housed, and the piles of wood, all caught fire accidentally. (Hint: Another name for River Brahmaputra)
(5) The tiffin box rolled down and all the food fell in dusty potholes. (Hint: Rises in India and journeys through Pakistan)
(6) Malini leaned against the pole when she felt that she was going to faint. (Hint: Her delta is famous in Egypt)
(7) The conference manager put pad, material for reading and a pencil for each participant. (Hint: A distributary on the Ganga-Brahmaputra delta)
(8) Either jealousy or anger cause a person’s fall (Hint: Name of a juicy fruit!)
(9) Bhavani germinated the seeds in a pot (Hint: Look for her in West Africa)
(10) “I am a zonal champion now” declared the excited athlete. (Hint: The river that has the largest basin in the world)


(1) Thames
(2) yellow
(3) Congo
(4) Teesta
(5) India
(6) Nile
(7) Padma
(8) Orange
(9) Nigeria
(10) Amazon

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question-1. What is a terrarium?
Ans. It is an artificial enclosure for keeping small house plants.

Question-2. What is the average salinity of the oceans?
Ans. The average salinity of the oceans is 35 parts per thousand.

Question-3. What is the salinity of the Dead sea?
Ans. The salinity of the Dead sea is 45 parts per thousand.

Question-4. Why do swimmers float in the Dead Sea?
Ans. Swimmers float in the Dead sea because the increased salt content makes it dense.

Question-5. Which type of water do the ocean bodies and the seas contain?
Ans. They contain salty water.

Question-6. What do you mean by salinity? [V. Imp.]
Ans. Salinity is the amount of salt in grams present in 1000 grams of water.

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 Long Answer Type Questions

Q.1. Give an account of ocean currents. [Imp.]

Ans. Ocean currents are water currents that flow continuously on the ocean surface in definite directions. Ocean currents can be warm or cold. Warm ocean currents originate near the equator and move towards the poles. Cold currents transport water from the polar or high latitudes to the tropical or lower latitudes. For example, the Labrador Ocean Current is a cold current, whereas the Gulf Stream is a warm current.

Ocean currents influence the temperature conditions of the region. Warm currents bring warm temperatures to the surface of the land. Areas, where warm and cold currents meet, provide some of the best fishing grounds in the world. For example the seas around Japan and the east coast of North America. Areas where warm and cold currents meet also have hazy weather and hence make navigation difficult.

Q.2. Write a note on the importance of water. [V. Imp.]

Ans. Water is life. Without water we cannot even think of life. Its deficiency can cause many problems, but its absence will surely end the existence of all living beings on the earth. It is a priceless resource of nature. Whenever we feel thirsty, we drink water. We use water in many ways like washing clothes, cleaning the floor, watering the garden etc. Industries also need water to do their work. That’s why water is very important and that’s why we should conserve it. Our reckless use of water has created several problems. The water that is there is not of good quality. We must think of ways of preserving it for ourselves.

Q.3. What are the waves? Write a short note on it.

Ans. Waves are the rising and falling of water on the surface of the sea. Waves are created when the wind scatters on the surface of the ocean. The stronger the wind blows, the bigger the wave gets. During a storm, the winds move at a very high speed and hence huge waves are formed. These waves are very powerful, hence very destructive. They can cause huge destruction.

Q.4. Explain the water cycle with a neat and labelled diagram. [V. Imp.]

Ans. The Sun’s heat causes the water to evaporate, run off in a stream or condense into water vapor. When water vapor cools, it condenses to form clouds. These clouds, when they become too heavy to float, fall as rain, snow or hail on the land or sea. Thus, the process by which water constantly changes its form and moves between oceans, atmosphere and land is known as the water cycle.

Q.5. Write a brief note on Tsunami. [Imp.]

Ans. Tsunami is a Japanese word which means ‘harbour waves’ because whenever a tsunami occurs, the harbor is destroyed. An earthquake, a volcanic eruption, or an underwater landslide can cause a large amount of sea water to shift. This results in a tsunami which can be up to 15 meters high. The 2004 Tsunami is still fresh in our minds. It caused massive death and destruction in the coastal areas of India. Indira Point of Andaman and Nicobar Islands got submerged after the Tsunami.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 water pdf

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 5 Water PDF

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