
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 2 Inside our Earth

Hi Students, I make this post for all of you, here you get NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 2 Social Science Inside our Earth with questions and answers PDF. I write this post which may help you to increase your knowledge in your subject and also gain marks in your upcoming exam.


Inside our Earth Class 7 Questions and Answers to difficult questions here. You will use them to help you in your exam preparation. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 2 And you will get information about all these subjects NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 2 Inside our Earth Familiarises Reading Sharing about the Motions of the Earth which introduces you to the questions that will come in your board exams. Students are advised to follow these questions and answers to score well. read regularly.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 8 Rural Livelihoods

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 2 Inside our Earth

Use the Class 7 SST Geography Chapter 2 NCERT Solutions and get to know different concepts involved Make your learning experience enjoyable by preparing Read this post completely and try to solve it yourself and then see the answer. NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 2 On The Trial of the Earliest People is here to cover all the latest syllabus in all this. Going by the NCERT Class 7 Geography Chapter 2 Questions and Answers it will be very easy for all students to appear for the exam with a lot of confidence

Class 7 Geography Chapter 2 NCERT Textbook Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.

  1. What are the three layers of the earth?
  2. What is a rock?
  3. Name three types of rocks.
  4. How are extrusive and intrusive rocks formed?
  5. What do you mean by a rock cycle?
  6. What are the uses of rocks?
  7. What are metamorphic rocks?


(i) The three layers of the earth are :
(a) the crust
(b) Mantle
(c) core

(ii) Any natural mass of mineral matter which makes up the earth’s crust is called a rock.

(iii) Three types of rocks are :

  1. Sedimentary rocks
  2. metamorphosed rocks
  3. Igneous rocks which are also known as primary rocks.

(iv) When the molten lava comes on the earth’s surface, it cools down rapidly and becomes solid. Extrusive igneous rocks are formed in this manner on the crust. Sometimes the molten magma cools down deep inside the Earth’s crust. Solid rocks so formed are called extrusive igneous rocks.

(v) The process of transformation of rock from one to another is known as the rock cycle. When the molten magma cools it solidifies to become igneous rock. These igneous rocks are broken down into tiny particles that are transported and deposited to form sedimentary rocks.

When the igneous and sedimentary rocks are subjected to heat and pressure they turn into metamorphic rocks. The metamorphic rocks which are still under great heat and pressure melt down to form molten magma. This molten magma again can cool down and solidify into igneous rocks.

(vi) The hard rocks are used for building roads, houses and buildings. Stones are used in many games, e.g. seven stones (pitthoo), hop-scotch (stapu/kit kit), and five stones (gitti).

(vii) Igneous and sedimentary rocks can be changed into metamorphic rocks under great heat and pressure. For instance, clay changes into slate and limestone into marble.

Tick the correct answer.

Question 2. (i) The rock which is made up of molten magma is

(a) Igneous
(b) Sedimentation
(c) Metamorphoses

Answer: (a) Igneous

Question 2. (ii) The innermost layer of the earth is :

(a) the crust
(b) core
(c) Mantle

Answer: (b) Core

Question 2. (iii) Gold, petroleum and coal are the examples of:

(a) Rock
(b) Minerals
(c) Fossils

Answer: (b) Minerals

Question 2. (iv) Rocks that contain fossils are:

(a) Sedimentary rocks
(b) Metamorphic rocks
(c) Igneous rocks

Answer: (a) Sedimentary rocks

Question 2. (iv) The thinnest layer of the earth is :

(a) Crust
(b) Mantle
(c) core

Answer: (a) Crust

Match the following:

Question 3.

Column IColumn II
1. Core(a) Earth’s surface
2. Minerals(b) Used for roads and buildings
3. Rock(c) Made of silicon and alumina
4. Clay(d) Has definite chemical composition
5. Sial(e) Innermost layer
(f) Changes into state
(g) Process of transformation of the rock


  1. (e)
  2. (b)
  3. (f)
  4. (c)

Question 4. Give the reasons.

(i) We can’t go to the center of the earth.
(ii) Sedimentary rocks are formed from the sediments.
(iii) Limestone has been changed into marble.


(i) It is not possible to reach to the center of earth because for that we have to dig a hole of 6000 km deep on the ocean floor.
(ii)The smaller rock particles (sediments) are compressed and hardened to form layers of rocks. These types of rocks are called sedimentary rocks.
(iii) Igneous and sedimentary rocks can be changed into metamorphic rocks under great heat and pressure. For example, limestone changes into marble.

Question 5. For fun.

(i) What are the most commonly used minerals in the following objects?
(ii) Identify few more objects made up of different minerals.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 2


NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 2 Inside our Earth

(ii) Students discuss with the teacher and can make a list of such items.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 2 Inside our Earth PDF

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