
All Chapters of NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Social Science Free PDF Download

Here You all know about All Chapters of NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Social Science topics like Geography, History and Civics. You may read and learn everything on this post. So, scroll down and know about it.


In the NCERT Class 6 curriculum, we explore three important subjects: History, Civics, and Geography. These subjects help us understand the world around us, our society, and the events that have shaped our past.

Through these subjects, we develop a broader perspective, critical thinking skills, and a better understanding of our place in the world. Let’s embark on this exciting journey of knowledge and discovery together.

NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Social Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Geography

Geography helps us understand the Earth, its physical features, climate patterns, and the ways in which humans interact with the environment. We learn about maps, landforms, different regions, and the importance of natural resources.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History

In History, we learn about the ancient civilizations, early human settlements, and the rise of kingdoms and empires. We delve into the lives of our ancestors, their cultures, and the significant events that have shaped human history.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Civics

Civics teaches us about our rights and responsibilities as citizens, the functioning of governments, and the importance of democracy and equality. We explore topics like diversity, discrimination, local governance, and livelihoods.

All Chapters of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Geography Details

Class 6 Geography Chapter 1: The Earth in the Solar System

We will learn about our planet Earth and its position in the solar system, the Sun, Moon, stars, and their importance in our lives.

Class 6 Geography Chapter 2: Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes

We will explore the globe, understand the concept of latitudes and longitudes, and how they help us locate places on Earth.

Class 6 Geography Chapter 3: Motions of the Earth

We will understand the different motions of the Earth, like rotation and revolution, and how they affect our days, seasons, and years.

Class 6 Geography Chapter 4: Maps

We will learn about maps, their symbols, and how to read and interpret them to find locations, distances, and various features.

Class 6 Geography Chapter 5: Major Domains of the Earth

We will discover the major domains or divisions of Earth, like the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere, and their characteristics.

Class 6 Geography Chapter 6: Major Landforms of the Earth

We will study the different landforms on Earth, such as mountains, plateaus, plains, and understand how they are formed.

Class 6 Geography Chapter 7: Our Country India

We will explore the geography of our country India, its location, neighboring countries, and important physical features.

Class 6 Geography Chapter 8: India: Climate Vegetation and Wildlife

We will learn about the climate of India, the different types of vegetation found in different regions, and the diverse wildlife that inhabits our country.

All Chapters of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Details

Class 6 History Chapter 1: What, Where, How and When?

We will learn about the study of history, how historians find out about the past, the tools they use, and how they organize information.

Class 6 History Chapter 2: On the Trail of the Earliest People

We will explore the lives of the earliest humans, their tools, hunting and gathering activities, and their way of life.

Class 6 History Chapter 3: From Gathering to Growing Food

We will discover how early humans transitioned from being hunters and gatherers to farmers, and how agriculture changed their lives.

Class 6 History Chapter 4: In the Earliest Cities

We will learn about the development of the earliest cities and civilizations, their features, and the ways people lived in urban areas.

Class 6 History Chapter 5: What Books and Burials Tell Us

We will understand how ancient books and burial sites provide us with important information about the past, such as religious beliefs and social practices.

Class 6 History Chapter 6: Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic

We will study the early forms of government and governance, the rise of kingdoms, and the concept of republic in ancient times.

Class 6 History Chapter 7: New Questions and Ideas

We will explore the development of new ideas and philosophies in ancient societies, such as Buddhism, Jainism, and the concept of non-violence.

Class 6 History Chapter 8: Ashoka, the Emperor Who Gave Up War

We will learn about the life and teachings of Emperor Ashoka, his conversion to Buddhism, and his efforts to spread peace and welfare.

Class 6 History Chapter 9: Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

We will understand the importance of villages and towns in ancient times, their economic activities, trade, and the role of guilds.

Class 6 History Chapter 10: Traders, Kings and Pilgrims

We will study the trade networks, the role of traders, the growth of towns and cities, and the significance of pilgrimages in ancient times.

Class 6 History Chapter 11: New Empires and Kingdoms

We will explore the rise of new empires and kingdoms in different parts of the world and learn about their achievements and cultural exchanges.

Class 6 History Chapter 12: Buildings, Paintings and Books

We will discover the architectural marvels, paintings, and the development of writing and books in ancient civilizations, highlighting their cultural richness.

All Chapters of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Details

Civics Chapter 1: Understanding Diversity

We will learn about the diverse cultures, religions, languages, and traditions in our country and how we should respect and appreciate this diversity.

Civics Chapter 2: Diversity and Discrimination

We will understand the concepts of discrimination and prejudice, and how they affect individuals and society. We will also learn about the importance of equality and treating everyone with fairness.

Civics Chapter 3: What is Government?

We will explore the meaning and role of government in our lives, how it functions, and the different levels of government from local to national.

Civics Chapter 4: Key Elements of a Democratic Government

We will learn about the principles of democracy, such as equality, freedom, and participation, and how these principles shape a democratic government.

Civics Chapter 5: Panchayati Raj

We will study the system of local self-government called Panchayati Raj, its structure, functions, and the role of elected representatives at the village level.

Civics Chapter 6: Rural Administration

We will understand how rural areas are administered, the role of various officials, and the challenges faced in providing essential services and development in rural communities.

Civics Chapter 7: Urban Administration

We will explore the administration of urban areas, including municipal corporations, the provision of basic amenities, and the challenges of urbanization.

Civics Chapter 8: Rural Livelihoods

We will learn about the different livelihoods and occupations in rural areas, such as farming, fishing, and handicrafts, and the importance of sustainable development.

Civics Chapter 9: Urban Livelihoods

We will study the various livelihood opportunities in urban areas, such as formal and informal sectors, and the challenges faced by urban workers.

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