{New Edition} NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Solutions Free PDF Download
Hi, I know many of you finding the NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Solutions Books pdf file. So, I create this post to provide you best and all the NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science in English and Hindi language. If you study in grade 6 then this NCERT Exemplar Solutions helps you a lot to gain marks in your exam.
Download NCERT Sample Science Solutions with Answers for Class 6 in English Medium Hindi in PDF. The quiz design has also been published in NCERT Exemplar Solutions Books for Class 6 Science.

NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Full Book with Solutions PDF Download
NCERT Science Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 provide a comprehensive overview of the weightage given to different topics, content, units, and chapters. The blueprint and answers for the NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Solutions book are available for free download. These solutions offer detailed explanations and help students in understanding and solve Science problems effectively.
NCERT Exemplar Book Class 6 Science English PDF Download

- Chapter 1. Food: Where Does It Come From?
- Chapter 2. Components of Food
- Chapter 3. Fibre to Fabric
- Chapter 4. Sorting Materials and Groups
- Chapter 5. Separation of Substances
- Chapter 6. Changes Around Us
- Chapter 7. Getting to Know Plants
- Chapter 8. Body Movement
- Chapter 9. The Living Organisms and their Surroundings
- Chapter 10. Motion and Measurement of Distances
- Chapter 11. Light
- Chapter 12. Electricity and Circuits
- Chapter 13. Fun with Magnets
- Chapter 14. Water
- Chapter 15. Air Around Us
- Chapter 16. Garbage in, Garbage out
NCERT Exemplar Book Class 6 Science English Answer Link – CLICK HERE
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NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science In Hindi Free PDF Download

- अध्याय 1 भोजनः यह कहाँ से आता है?
- अध्याय 2 भोजन के घटक
- अध्याय 3 रेशे से कपड़ा
- अध्याय 4 छँटाई सामग्री और समूह
- अध्याय 5 पदार्थों का पृथक्करण
- अध्याय 6 हमारे आसपास परिवर्तन
- अध्याय 7 पौधों को जानना
- अध्याय 8
- अध्याय 9 सजीव और उनका परिवेश
- अध्याय 10 गति और दूरियों का मापन
- अध्याय 11 प्रकाश
- अध्याय 12 विद्युत और परिपथ
- अध्याय 13 चुंबक के साथ मज़ा
- अध्याय 14
- अध्याय 15 हमारे चारों ओर वायु
- अध्याय 16
NCERT Exemplar Book Class 6 Science Hindi English Answer Link – CLICK HERE
Download NCERT Exemplar Book Class 6 Science PDF
Chapter Number | Chapter Name | Download Link |
1 | Food: Where Does It Come From? | Download PDF |
2 | Components of Food | Download PDF |
3 | Fibre to Fabric | Download PDF |
4 | Sorting Materials and Groups | Download PDF |
5 | Separation of Substances | Download PDF |
6 | Change Around Us | Download PDF |
7 | Getting to Know Plants | Download PDF |
8 | Body Movement | Download PDF |
9 | The Living Organisms and their Surroundings | Download PDF |
10 | Motion and Measurement of Distances | Download PDF |
11 | Light | Download PDF |
12 | Electricity and Circuits | Download PDF |
13 | Fun with Magnets | Download PDF |
14 | Water | Download PDF |
15 | Air Around Us | Download PDF |
16 | Garbage In, Garbage Out | Download PDF |
Answers | Download PDF |
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 1: Food: Where Does It Come From?
Students learn how food gets to us through the food cycle, types of animals and their eating habits, and plants and their growth. They will learn about the food chain and the importance of different species.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter: 2 Components of Food
In this chapter, students will learn about the different components of food, that is, the nutrients found in food, and how each plays a role in our body. They will learn about different nutrient rich foods like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, sugars, starches and their uses. Also, how would be the deficiency of any of these nutrients in our body.

NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 3: Fiber to Fabric
Students will learn how cloth is made from plant fibers. They will learn about the different types of plants that help in the production of fibre. Also, what kind of methods like weaving, spinning and others are used to produce these clothes.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 4: Sorting Content into Groups
Here, students learn about minerals and ores and the materials used to make them. They also learn about the properties of these materials and how to identify them using those properties.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 5: Separation of Substances
Students will be introduced to methods for separating substances, both manual and industrial, from hand picking, sieving and boiling to evaporation and decantation.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 6: Changes around us
Students will learn about the changes happening around them, reversible and irreversible. A change in matter from an environmental change, such as from a solid to a liquid. Students will be introduced to all kinds of changes around them.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 7: Knowing Plants
Students will learn about plants, how they grow, trans-pirate, pollinate, and reproduce. Students will also learn about the basic properties that are found only in plants.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 8: Motion of the Body
In this chapter, students learn about the skeletal system, types of joints, body movements, etc. They also learn about the body movements of other animals or insects.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 9: Living Organisms and their Environment
Students get a detailed description of living organisms, their living processes, their habitats and the kind of surroundings in which they are found. The classification of these habitats and their species will also be explained.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement of Distances
Some of the measurements in this chapter include; Standard units of measurement are dealt with with few conversions from one unit to another. The process of measuring the length correctly and the method of measuring the length of a curved line are explained.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 11: Light, Shadow and Reflection
As the name suggests, this chapter deals with the concepts of light, shadow and reflection. Students learn how to image objects and what their shadows look like.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 12: Electricity and Circuits
Students will learn how electricity works, the components needed, and how circuits are built. They will also learn to do related calculations.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 13: Fun with Magnets
Students will learn the concept of magnetism and the properties of magnets. They will also learn the applications of magnets.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 14: Water
The most important element of survival is that students will learn about the water cycle, the different types of natural processes that control water on Earth, water conservation and how it is being polluted.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 15: The Air Around Us
Students will learn about air, how it is polluted, and how to use it as a renewable energy resource.
NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 16: Garbage In, Garbage Out
Students will learn about the types of waste, how to deal with them, and the problems caused by poor waste management. They’ll also learn what they can do to help with these problems.
Why Should You learn from NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Science?
- The available solutions provide students with the opportunity to practice a variety of questions from the textbook.
- By utilizing these solutions, students can assess their understanding of the concepts covered in the textbook.
- These solutions have been meticulously prepared by highly experienced experts to cater to the student’s abilities.
What is the focus of Chapter 1: Food: Where Does It Come From?
Chapter 1 focuses on teaching students about the food cycle, the types of animals and their eating habits, and the growth of plants.
What is the main topic of Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric?
Chapter 3 discusses how the fabric is made from plant fibers, the different plants involved, and the methods used in fabric production.
What does Chapter 5: Separation of Substances cover?
Chapter 5 covers various methods of separating substances, both manual and industrial, including hand picking, sieving, evaporation, and decantation.
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