{New Edition} NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions PDF Download
Hi, I know many of you finding the NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions Books pdf file. So, I create this post to provide you best and all the NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 Science in English and Hindi language. If you study in grade 10 then this NCERT Exemplar Solutions helps you a lot to gain marks in your exam.
Download NCERT Sample Science Solutions with Answers for Class 10 in English Medium Hindi in PDF. The quiz design has also been published in NCERT Exemplar Solutions Books for Class 10 Science.

NCERT Exemplar Book Class 10 Science Full Book with Solutions PDF Download
NCERT Science Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 provide a comprehensive overview of the weightage given to different topics, content, units, and chapters. The blueprint and answers for the NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions book are available for free download. These solutions offer detailed explanations and help students understand and solve Science problems effectively.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science English PDF Download
NCERT Exemplar Book Class 10 Science is considered important for the students. Class 10 is considered an important level to start preparing for board exams. Thus, the NCERT Exemplar Book Class 10 Science in English PDF covers all the topics which help the students to learn about different anatomy. So, practicing NCERT Exemplar Science Book will make them aware of different learning techniques as they will be solving different types of questions.
- Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations
- Chapter 2 Acids Bases and Salts
- Chapter 3 Metals and Non-metals
- Chapter 4 Carbon and its Compounds
- Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements
- Chapter 6 Life Processes
- Chapter 7 Control and Coordination
- Chapter 8 How do Organisms Reproduce
- Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution
- Chapter 10 Light Reflection and Refraction
- Chapter 11 Human Eye and Colourful World
- Chapter 12 Electricity
- Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
- Chapter 14 Sources of Energy
- Chapter 15 Our Environment
- Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources
NCERT Exemplar Book Class 10 Science English Answer Link – CLICK HERE
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NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science In Hindi Free PDF Download
NCERT Exemplar Book Class 10 Science छात्रों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण मानी जाती है। बोर्ड परीक्षा की तैयारी शुरू करने के लिए कक्षा 10 को एक महत्वपूर्ण स्तर माना जाता है। इस प्रकार, NCERT Exemplar Book Class 10 Science Hindi में उन सभी विषयों को शामिल किया गया है जो छात्रों को विभिन्न शरीर रचना विज्ञान के बारे में जानने में मदद करते हैं। इसलिए, NCERT Exemplar Science Book का अभ्यास करने से उन्हें विभिन्न सीखने की तकनीकों के बारे में पता चलेगा क्योंकि वे विभिन्न प्रकार के प्रश्नों को हल कर रहे होंगे।
- अध्याय 1 रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियाएँ और समीकरण
- अध्याय 2 अम्ल क्षार और लवण
- अध्याय 3 धातु और अधातु
- अध्याय 4 कार्बन और उसके यौगिक
- अध्याय 5 तत्वों का आवधिक वर्गीकरण
- अध्याय 6 जीवन प्रक्रियाएँ
- अध्याय 7 नियंत्रण और समन्वय
- अध्याय 8 जीव जनन कैसे करते हैं
- अध्याय 9 आनुवंशिकता और विकास
- अध्याय 10 प्रकाश परावर्तन और अपवर्तन
- अध्याय 11 मानव आँख और रंगीन दुनिया
- अध्याय 12 बिजली
- अध्याय 13 विद्युत धारा के चुंबकीय प्रभाव
- अध्याय 14 ऊर्जा के स्रोत
- अध्याय 15 हमारा पर्यावरण
- अध्याय 16 प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का प्रबंधन
- नमूना प्रश्न पत्र-सेट I
- नमूना प्रश्न पत्र-सेट II
NCERT Exemplar Book Class 10 Science Hindi English Answer Link – CLICK HERE
About NCERT Exemplar Book Class 10 Science
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 1 – Chemical Reactions and Equations
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 1 covers the following topics: Definition of Chemical Equations, Writing Chemical Equations, Balanced Chemical Equations, Different Types of Chemical Reactions, Combination Reactions, Decomposition Reactions, Displacement Reactions, Double Displacement Reactions, Observations Daily Effects of oxidation reactions in life, corrosion and rancidity.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 2 – Acids, Bases and Salts
Understanding the chemical properties of bases and acids is covered in the chapter Acids, Bases and Salts of NCERT Exemplar Science Class 10 Textbook. The main topics of this chapter include how acids and bases react with metals, how metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates react with acids, how acids and bases react with each other, how metal oxides react with acids, react with, how non-metal oxides react with bases, what characteristics all acids and bases share, what happens to an acid or base in water solution, how strong are solutions of acids or bases, Importance of pH in daily life, and many more.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 3 – Metals and Nonmetals
In Chapter 3 of NCERT Exemplar Science Solutions for Class 10, Definition of Metals, On Metals, Chemical Properties of Metals, What Happens When Metals Burn in Air, What Happens When Metals React with Water, What happens to metals when they react with acids, how metals react with solutions of other metal salts, how metals react with solutions of other metal salts are all covered.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 4 – Carbon and its Compounds
The definition of the bond in carbon – the covalent bond – is covered in Chapter 4. Students will also learn about examples of the versatile nature of carbon, saturated and unsaturated carbon compounds, chains, branching and rings, homologous series, nomenclature of carbon. Compounds, chemical properties of carbon compounds, combustion, oxidation, addition reaction, substitution reaction, and some important carbon compounds, such as ethanol and ethanoic acid, as well as the characteristics of ethanol and ethanoic acid.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 5 – Periodic Classification of Elements
Elements are classified according to their periodic properties in Chapter 5 of NCERT Exemplar Science Solutions for Class 10. Creating Order from Chaos includes early attempts to classify the elements, Döbereiner’s Triads, Newlands’ Law of Octaves, Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, Periodization. Table, Limits of Mendeleev’s classification, Making order out of chaos – Modern periods, Position of elements in modern period and trends in modern periodic table.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 6 – Life Processes
The definition of life process is covered in Chapter 6. Nutrition, autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, how organisms obtain their nutrition, human nutrition, respiration, transport, excretion, human excretion and plant excretion.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 7 – Control and Coordination
The chapter discusses the regulation and synchronization of biological processes. We will go over the topics covered in the previous class and focus on the nervous system of animals, what happens in reflex actions, human brain, how these tissues are protected, how nerve tissue causes action, cooperation in plants, Immediate response to external stimuli in animals, causing increased movement and hormones.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 8 – How Do Organisms Reproduce?
The topics covered in Chapter 8 of NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 10 Science Textbook include: Do living beings produce exact duplicates of themselves; the value of diversity; the forms of reproduction used by individual organisms; and sexual reproduction and its advantages.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Chapter 9 – Heredity and Evolution
Students learn about heredity and the creation of variation during reproduction in this chapter. Ideas covered in this chapter include acquired and inherited characteristics, species origination, evolution and classification, evolutionary links, fossil finds, and the idea that evolution should not be equated with progress. Mendel’s contribution and inheritance of traits are also discussed.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Chapter 10 – Reflection and Refraction of Light
In this chapter, students are introduced to the reflection of light. Spherical mirrors, how they form images, and how they transmit those images are all important topics in this lesson. Refractive index, Refraction of light, Refraction through a rectangular glass slab, Sign convention for a spherical lens, Formation of images by a lens, Formation of images in a lens using ray diagrams, Sine convention for a spherical lens, Lens formula, Magnification, and power of a lens.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Chapter 11 – The Human Eye and the Colored World
Topics Covered by The Human Eye Chapter 11 NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Solutions. Students are taught about the power of accommodation, visual defects and how to correct them, refraction of the Earth’s atmosphere, dispersion of light, the Tyndall effect, why the clear sky is blue, and the color of the Sun at sunrise and sunset. They also learn about the power of adjustment.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Chapter 12 – Electricity
Students will learn all about electricity in Chapter 12. This chapter covers Current, Potential Difference – Voltage and Definition of Voltmeter, Ohm’s Law – Ohm and Resistance, Factors Affecting Conductor Resistance – Resistivity, Resistance in Series – Total or Resultant or Overall and Voltage. across each resistor, resistors in parallel, and the voltage across each resistor. Advantage of parallel connection over series connection, heating effect of electric circuit – heating effect of electric current, electric fuse, Joule’s equation of electric power
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Chapter 13 – Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Chapter 13 of the NCERT Class 10 Science textbook discusses the effects of electric current on magnetism. Other subtopics include forces on current-carrying conductors in a magnetic field, electric motors, electromagnetic induction, electric generators, and finally questions related to household electrical circuits.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Chapter 14 – Sources of Energy
Energy sources are the subject of this chapter. In this chapter, students will learn about good sources of energy as well as conventional energy sources, fossil fuels, thermal and hydroelectric plants, technological advances in the use of conventional energy sources, alternative or non-conventional energy sources. such as solar energy, energy derived from the ocean, geothermal energy, and nuclear energy, as well as the environmental impact and how long an energy source will last us.
NCERT Exemplar Class 10 Science Chapter 15 – Our Environment
The discussion of our environment continues in Chapter 15 of the NCERT Exemplar Textbook, starting with its definition, what happens when we add our waste to the environment, components of an ecosystem, food chains and webs, how our activities affect the environment How do they affect the environment? Ozone layer and how it is depleting, etc. Additionally, controlling the waste we do is covered in this chapter.
Why Should You Learn from NCERT Exemplar for Class 10 Science?
- The available solutions provide students with the opportunity to practice a variety of questions from the textbook.
- By utilizing these solutions, students can assess their understanding of the concepts covered in the textbook.
- These solutions have been meticulously prepared by highly experienced experts to cater to the student’s abilities.
What is discussed in Chapter 11, “The Human Eye and the Colored World”?
Chapter 11 explores the power of accommodation, visual defects and their correction, refraction of Earth’s atmosphere, dispersion of light, the Tyndall effect, the color of the clear sky, and the color of the Sun at sunrise and sunset.
What topics are covered in Chapter 10, “Reflection and Refraction of Light”?
Chapter 10 covers topics such as reflection of light, spherical mirrors, image formation, refractive index, refraction of light, refraction through a rectangular glass slab, and formation of images by a lens.
What does Chapter 12, “Electricity,” focus on?
Chapter 12 covers topics such as current, potential difference, Ohm’s law, factors affecting conductor resistance, resistance in series and parallel, heating effect of electric current, electric fuse, and Joule’s equation of electric power.
As I think now you all get the pdf file of NCERT Exemplar Book Class 10 Science Solutions. If you want to ask any questions then comment below and also share this post with your friends.